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Springfield, MA

Schedule an Inspection

Schedule an Inspection

Competitive Pricing  |  Locally Owned  |  Licensed and Insured

Competitive Pricing

Locally Owned

Licensed and Insured

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Accessible By Phone 24 Hours

Schedule a Mold or Lead Inspection Now

Whether you're moving into a new home or seeking to properly maintain an old one, you must have a state-licensed lead inspection to determine if a hazard exists and to ensure that it is safely removed. Having a professional inspect your home or property can clue you into any potential risks, thus helping to eliminate them before they become serious hazards. Our certified lead and mold inspectors at ASAP Environmental Inc will complete a comprehensive inspection to check for any signs of lead or mold. 

Free Estimates by Phone

We perform most inspections within 48 hours of your call. Plus, we'll give you a FREE estimate of your inspection costs over the phone. You will receive a full, written report of your results and friendly, courteous help on what steps to take after your inspection. If you are moving into a new home, or if you think your current home might have lead paint or be susceptible to mold, contact ASAP Environmental Inc for a free consultation.

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Lead Inspection

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) passed the Lead Renovation, Repair and Painting Rule in 2010 to safeguard homeowners and renters against the side effects of lead poisoning. All homes must be inspected for the presence of lead-based paint. Houses with lead must follow certain procedures during repairs or renovations. 

Failure to comply with this rule carries serious consequences. Having your home inspected for lead-based paints allows you to avoid the fines. It can also prevent your loved ones from developing any of the harmful side effects of lead poisoning. During a lead inspection, our staff will check the surfaces of your home for the presence of lead and offer certified risk assessment.

Mold Inspection

Nearly all homes contain mold. Some molds are perfectly normal, but others are harmful to your family, with prolonged exposure causing serious health issues. Mold growth inside your home or in the walls can also decay the structure of your home, making it unsafe and possibly inhabitable. Regular mold inspections can help prevent this growth and exposure. 

A mold inspection is a multi-step process. In addition to a visual inspection, our staff will perform air quality sampling and microscopic analysis. This will ensure that unseen mold does not go unnoticed. Our inspectors also perform moisture assessments to determine if the home has conditions conducive to mold growth. After the inspection, we provide a detailed analysis and consultation for any mold remediation. 

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ASAP Environmental Inc

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